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Individual Record for: (rhoda) (PAYNE) (female)

(rhoda) (PAYNE)         

Spouse Children
  (Family Record)
!LEAD: Russ Williams believes her name to be Rhoda Payne, however he knows
that George Roberts lived in Hawkins Co., Tennessee, and had some connection
with a Flemish family named Enyart and/or Ingrems. George Roberts also may be
from Yadkin River, Rowan Co., North Carolina.
!LEAD: Russ Williams believes her name to be Rhoda Payne, however he knows
that George Roberts lived in Hawkins Co., Tennessee, and had some connection
with a Flemish family named Enyart and/or Ingrems. George Roberts also may be
from Yadkin River, Rowan Co., North Carolina.

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